A busy day for me again..... althought i'm busy everyday.... but i alway feel something weird..... How come my mind keeping me... Thinkin and thinkin.... of @!~%^&*$#!$%?><^&*()_+=- I am really very tired!!!! for wat i'm doing now.... I really NEED>>>>> GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! pls.... pls..... |
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Angry Angry....
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
You're Really Special
i'm very sad, Working here...
Talk till my tears drop... :( haiz...
feel very very sad, i'm so with my boss and company i'm working with now.... & also no point working here anymore...
i really totally give up ... now my mind keep thinking ,
i better faster clear everything on my hand..
than end of the years i can get out of this company.....
But the problem is...
- Wat if i really going resign!!
- What i'm going to do??
- I have to think of this before i resign......
- Am i going study or go learn something useful......
Monday, August 29, 2005
he never come again!!!
| |
my prog on 27/8/2005
Friday, August 26, 2005
Today my dinner is curry chicken!! yeah!!
ah ma cooking curry chicken for mi tonite......
yummy... yummy...
and now i'm very full...... haha..
and just finish my dinner at ah ma hse...just reach home awhile....
erm..now thinking later going anywhere ...
later wat to wear...heehee ... =X
still waitin for my frens phone call... but some of them is askin me to go "momo" ..."MOMO" again better not.. cos but i'm still thinkin !!!
cause my mum niam me liao...
cos she say that i have black circle on my eyes....@_@
oh no .... shitz... what should i do....how can this thing happen to me!!! arh!!!
Ytd i was very happy cause my dao tao no.2 confirm with me that she have the ticket for the super star final....yeah man tats mean i'm going to watch with her " live " lei.... is on 1sept.... so happy happy.... Somemore free and best seat and best view... she the best.... siao liao the 2 of us sure go crazy on tat nite...
Joyce wo ai shi ni le.....
opps...later her der saw this sure come kill me.... hahaha
but i dont scare lei... I'm her dao tao too... =>
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Sweet Memory
Walking alone
I see a shadow on the ground
My heart pounding Turning,
the shadows gone As the winds blows
I hear your voice
Looking around You are nowhere to be seen
Closing my eyes I feel the heat of your touch
I feel your breath with the touch of your lips
I jump at the touch of your fingertips
I open my eyes and I cry
For you are gone
just a sweet memory
BIG NEWS from my dao tao no.2
of cos i WANT TO WATCH....
Free wan some more...hahahah
yeah... yeah...
Ah ma I LOVE YOU LOVE YOU...and thank u
Guess what!! tonite after dinner at my ah ma hse... ah ma cook bird nest for me to eat... see how nice she was..
when i was a baby girl she look after me till now she still so worry about me...
i love her more than i love my mama...
she been worry about my health this few month..
i'm sorry to make her so worry...
I'm very stress at work...now i not happy at all !!!
anyone can help me.....
I been working this company for 5 years plus...
At 1st i was very happy with this company but slowly my best pal and collage left....now leave me alone doing a/c things....i'm damn stress...i feel like walk in my boss office tel him i dun want to work anymore....
OMG......i going crazy soon.....
A shoulder to cry on when I am sad,
someone to blame when I am mad
someone to wipe away my tears
someone to chase away my fears
someone to walk with, talk with and share fun days…
But when we grow up, we'll go our separate ways.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
chat wif him at msn
Have some chat with him just now... this week end his coming to take the PSP changer....the changer is with for 1 month plus... at the 1st place i doesnt wan to return him cos...if i return him i wont see him again....but after thinkin for sometime i choice to return him...cos the changer with me oso no point.... actually he want to come take on th 7/8/2005 but he cant make it... |
but also not confirm his coming to take... but really hope come and take this... i don't wan to keep this with me anymore...
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Sometimes it just slips away
Monday, August 22, 2005
on 20/8/2005 shopping,clubbing and eating...
I meet jessie & ah bi at orchard ard 5.30pm, but actually i thot of meeting jessie at 4.30 but i over slept (HAHAHA) shhhh..."she dun know".. & actually my place here, never Rain at all..heehee ", ...is that lazy to go out so early....than i reach somerest mrt cos i drop at wrong stop..actually should drop down at orchard..
but F**king cok lor,wahaha...cos i so my pri school fren...we have a tok...TOK TOO MUCH so become blur...
thats why..
After reaching somerest call our "lau lian hua"
wa kaoz.. she haven reach yet...thot i was the one late...heehee...
than after we went shopping...tat day i bought alots of thing.... a few pcs of cloth and my levis jean cost me $169.00...damn chio...after tat nite we go MOMO but before we went momo they go boat quay top up...hahaha...
so mi , bi , jessie and we meet serene there...So we went to the risk...of cos i top up lah...i only can drink ice water...so after they top up finish we take cab down so...when we drop down the cab,is around 10plus ba... than u know what happen....i fall down...Ass h***...heng ar...serene was beside me...if not i sure fell on the floor...Wat happen to me...Tat i was so unlucky lor that nite...
Name's list : MOMO nite on 20/08/2005
- Our big sister's of LIAN Hua ( Jessie Loh )
- Her size is small but she's damn hot when she dance ( ah Bi )
- Pretty & sexy & figuer F****** good.. ( Sheevone )
- when she reach momo she can start dance all the way ( serene )
- Than saw : $9.50, JJ, CAKE, HAM at momo also..
Suddenly i'm not feeling well very dizzy..Thot of goin home..but we went to makan at lau pa sak...guess What i fell down again...this time really really heng ar.. ham beside me....heng ar he got catch me...if not i dun knw where am i....maybe i'm gone away liao...heng ar...after reach home ard 5.30am than do some wash up...than chat wif ah bi till around 6.00am..
Actually i can heard what she saying on the phone, But is tat i'm damn tired so never tok...Maybe is bcos i never slp well at all past few week..everyiite i will wake up...i oso dun know why....maybe i'm too stress at work...but my leg damn pain the next day and i'm so tired too....
Sunday, August 21, 2005
"" # "" 3 ""
I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS I may not be there with you but someone special is.. If we Him all our loneliness we'll know the burden's His.. Know that He is there as well as here with me.. Holds and comforts us in His arms gently.. He fills the empty space that separates the miles.. Just to know about this should fill our hearts with smiles.. I Missing You !!! |
Saturday, August 20, 2005
LOVE # 2
what is love?
love is a feeling quite hard to describe,
a desirable pain locked away inside
even though the pain can torture our hearts
we strive to find this emotion so
doesn’t tear us apart
Thursday, August 18, 2005
come back to me
Title: please come back to me I feel a great joy holding you in my arms I feel a great peace and so losing you I feel a great painboy I'm so sorry please come back to me cause I Still love you... to come back.. |
~~ Poems ~~
When you love someone so deep inside, |
went breko on 18/8/2005

tonite went to breko with my dao tao & other....before tat we catch a movie..."the maid".....abit scary la....
of cos mi and my dao tao got take pic when we at breko..
and we went to a bookshop....dao tao bought a book name...
"Happiness Now"....
of cos inside of this book have lots of meaningful words...after i reading this book....my mind goes clear...i know wat to do.....NEXT...
When Life gets tough.....
How do you survive when life get tough??
How do you hang on when you are grieving, lonely or broke??
Why think postive??
When things go wrong, Remember : It's not what happens to you that matters most.....
It's how you think about what happens to you...
Friends and Money
" Make me HaPpY "
" I Love YoU "
Other People's ReLaTiOnShIps
Relationship are tricky!
The strategies we think should work, Don't Work....
The strategies we think won't work, Do work....
Trying to change PeOpLe....
Trying to change people is MOSTLY a BaD IdEa!!! Why??
Because it doesn't work.. You get frustrated and they have you...
Positive change is a natural process...
Frequently it unfolds like this :
Step 1 : Stupidity, followed by
Step 2 : Disaster
Step 3 : Desperation, and finally
Step 4 : Wisdom
Little things i should have said and done I just never took the time you were alway on my mind.....
Having a big time at work.....coming this few week and days..gotta to be very busy at work and stress at work.....sighs.....
BIG TIME arh...arh...sianz....
what to do??? have to go on.. work and work.....stress arh...
I MUST WORK HARD...sighs....and of cos ENJOY TOO.....
Love # 1
Love is like your shadow,
stop trying to chase after it,
because it'll run away from you.
Learn hard to walk away from it than it'll come after you.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
My PAST few week prog..
My PAST few week prog..
on 5/8/2005 - Went momo wif jillia and her collage...
- Actually we say go back at 1230am but...
We stay till 1am..
- Saw mei zhen there and James(mu) there too....Jillia & Mi....Pic taken @ momo toilet...nice & chio rite..er i mean the background lah... wahahaha... (",)
on 6/8/2005 - Went to momo again wif lizhen(ah bi),
joyce(dao tao no.2), ah ming ,ah hui($9.50),
kathy(dao tao no.1),julian , james(batman),
Shevonne, Clarris (APPLE) & other....
i meet kathy , joyce and ah bi for dinner ard 6pm at "black bird road"-((read it hokkien)) mean 'orchard road'...but EVERYONE was late only my dearest dao tao no.1 ""kathy"" came early...wow...cant believe she wasnt late...she came early..hahaha.."Am i dreaming"..this was the 1st time when we meet her, she came early...er...cos she was always the one always late for our date..she rubber timer..
we went to eat dinner at cein...went to sushi..than ah bi came late...
but when she reach she keep on scolding &^%#&^%$.. bi arh..please behave urself pls...
Pic taken after our dinnerby "POH KIT CHAN"...(she saw this she sure kill me..) guess who is poh kit chan..hahaha ",
everyone was damn full lol..
after dinner still early...so we slack at orchard...
that nite i went few a place...after momo went "double o" cos everyone is goin back to meet they're boy..left me alone at momo so i went double o find my frenz...in the 1st place i thot he wasnt not there..i walk in than i find that he was there...but who's know.. ((i saw him there)).... than at 1st he never talk to me at all ((maybe he was still angry...cos before tat he had a fight!!))....
git told me something that i feel so sad and so heart break lol...i keep tryin control my tears...cant let them see i'm cryin..CANNOT!!!
that nite so many idiot come and talk to me...but i never make a damn at all lor...maybe i'm not in a good mood..from last month till now still same..
WHAT's git SAY :
git : yellow, i know u r a nice gal?
yellow : i was thinking am i a nice gal...if yes...
why he still choice to leave me...
git : yellow dun worry...
yellow : i jus keep quite...
than i saw him talking wif his fren very close..than i told git i make a move 1st..
than when to a place call ""RUSH"" i still cant believe i went in THERE...all the way techno.. ~!#$%^&*()_ some more scolding all ah beng and ah lian things... but when i walk in remind of the canto times....funny & sweet memorys...but after rush...i went back double o find him.. jus bcos he say...he already drunk...why am i still worry about him...than after tat we when supper wif git cousin and his sis's...
and all his frenz all giving me a funny look...they thot we still together....but no more....
they all also find too SUDDENLY....
brother brandon-know at SOS
Monday, August 15, 2005
Saturday, August 13, 2005
9/8/2005 SAD
on 9/8/2005
Whole DAY stayin at home...
This national day....is the most sad day for me...Bcos everyone was celebrate and enjoy the holiday... but me....In my heart i still feel pain....but he doesnt knw at all...
I still remember someone did promise me say he'll bring me go watch fireworks....too bad he didnt.. maybe he aready forget wat he say....but every single words he say i still remember in my mind...
In the afternoon my auntie and cousin came to my grandmother hse...they saw me...
Know what they say...
U getting more and more silm...
R U ok..
actually im not ok at all..
but wat to do life's still have to go on..
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Love Advice
How can a psychic reading help your love life?
Recovering from a broken heart?
Monday, August 08, 2005
~~ OVER It's OVER ~~
~~ IT���s Really OVER ~~ We never really said our Goodbyes Yet I am alone with tears in my eyes Crying at the memory of a love now gone As I face each new day that dawns In the dark night thoughts whirl round my brain It's hard to believe that I'll never see you again The song on the radio cries out in pain It's over, it's over It's late and I'm with my memories alone We drink to forget the coming dawn As tears to my eyes just swarm Time to let the hurt perform Maybe I will close my eyes and dream Of a time we were in each others arms Safe from everyday harms Giving ourselves up to loves charms Maybe I should stick to just dreaming As there you can feel you are beaming Real love hurts I have discovered Goodbye Lover 1 month over...i feel the same |