tonite went to breko with my dao tao & other....before tat we catch a movie..."the maid".....abit scary la....
of cos mi and my dao tao got take pic when we at breko..
and we went to a bookshop....dao tao bought a book name...
"Happiness Now"....
of cos inside of this book have lots of meaningful words...after i reading this book....my mind goes clear...i know wat to do.....NEXT...
When Life gets tough.....
How do you survive when life get tough??
How do you hang on when you are grieving, lonely or broke??
Why think postive??
When things go wrong, Remember : It's not what happens to you that matters most.....
It's how you think about what happens to you...
Friends and Money
" Make me HaPpY "
" I Love YoU "
Other People's ReLaTiOnShIps
Relationship are tricky!
The strategies we think should work, Don't Work....
The strategies we think won't work, Do work....
Trying to change PeOpLe....
Trying to change people is MOSTLY a BaD IdEa!!! Why??
Because it doesn't work.. You get frustrated and they have you...
Positive change is a natural process...
Frequently it unfolds like this :
Step 1 : Stupidity, followed by
Step 2 : Disaster
Step 3 : Desperation, and finally
Step 4 : Wisdom
Little things i should have said and done I just never took the time you were alway on my mind.....
Having a big time at work.....coming this few week and days..gotta to be very busy at work and stress at work.....sighs.....
BIG TIME arh...arh...sianz....
what to do??? have to go on.. work and work.....stress arh...
I MUST WORK HARD...sighs....and of cos ENJOY TOO.....
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