Tuesday, August 30, 2005

You're Really Special

YoU'rE SoMeOnE ReAlLy SpEcIaL....
We Can't choose the people we work with,
but sometimes we have the good fortune
to wind up with someone special...
the way i did with you.
It makes such a difference in my day,
just knowing that you'll be there.
Your way looking at things
helps me put them in perspective.
Your sense of humor always gives me a lift.
I feel that i was really lucky getting someone to work with who turned out be...
a really good friend of mine....
"Ms Theng Aui Lee"
but too bad, u have Resign since beginner of the year....really miss thoese days we work together..
u really teach me alot and treat me as a small sis to u...
anyway All the best for ur career.....
and me i still planning....

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