Friday, February 17, 2006

suddenly i dun feel leaving...

i also dun know why??? but i must bear to leave tonite ... sighs...
i'm abit blur today!! beening thinking this few day..
last nite after work meet kathy & joyce at bugis for dinner before i'm leaving singapore today, after tat me & joyce headed to 85 market for supper.. we've chat for many many things... and i saw someone face turn "RED" while chatting... haha.. then now i realise how Our Friendship is , but now is ever Stronger!!! then before.. hahaha.. cos i have something which hide from kathy.. but while she talking half-way, she suddenly say the thing out!! opps!! maybe we really understand each other and we know what we're thinking bout!!!
I'm leaving my Dao Tao's, Darling & frens....tonite!!

I'll be back on 23 Feb!! REMEMBER our date on 24 Feb...

I'll be missing u all there..
Tata!!! seeya...
Muack! muack!

Things checked :
memory-card check
ipod-nano check
passport check
everything check check check...

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